This page contains the policy of Bohemia Ltd. for use of cookies on the web site and web pages linked to it.


Cookies are small text files, saved on your computer when you visit some web pages. Web sites of Bohemia Ltd. use cookies to improve the presentation of information and supply personalized, relevant and secure services to its users. You can ban the use of cookies from the settings of your web browser, but this can negatively influence the functionality of this web page.


This page uses several categories persistent cookies. All cookies are generated and used on behalf of Bohemia Ltd. (first-party cookies) with the exception of cookies used for statistical purposes by Google (third-party cookies).


Functional cookies


Functional cookies allow us to offer additional possibilities for the use of this web site. They contain technical, non-personalizing information for the device used for access (type and version of the web browser, operative system, size of window, display resolution, supplied technologies, etc.). This information allows us to visualize qualitatively and adaptively the contents of this page. Cookies allow secure authorization when using the customer support center, where you can access and modify the tourist services you have bought from Bohemia Ltd. Cookies allow the use of the service of “favorite programs”, by which you can include your favorite tours in a personal list. Cookies allow the use of the service “History”, by which you can see the programs you have browsed. The information received via the functional cookies is not sent to third parties.


Statistical/Tracking cookies 


Those cookies are used for tracking the pages you visit on this web site. The information preserved is aggregated and does not contain any personal data. The data is used for statistical and analytical purposes which allows us to offer better services and products to our users, and a more relevant information during the time you view this page.


This web site uses Google Analytics for statistical purposes. The data shared with Google does not contain any personal or/and other personifying information. This information is object to Google Privacy Policy.


Your continued use of this page constitutes agreement with the Cookie Policy of Bohemia Ltd.


This web site respects your user rights in accordance with the requirements and limitations of Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Union.